Friday, September 14, 2007

Ayabie-virgin color snow

Ayabie-Virgin color snow

1.Virgin Snow Color
3.Lapis Lazuli
4.Koto no Hanoru
6.Mefisshu no Uta, koi kara no suihou
10.Hoshi furu ohanashi

Hizumi Vs. Karyu

Hizumi Vs. Karyu

Well ladies and gentlemen its time for my first small rant. OMG , i just finished watching the new D'espairs Ray live dvd and may i say that it was just oh so god damn sexy it was just amazing from start to finish.Ok , so as i was watching the bonus features and performance that were taken out . we see that the song anamelia or something similar to that i wasnt really quit sure. you see good old amazing hizumi being all kick ass and shit and then we see boring olf karyu there playing his guitar then his hand flew back and owned poor poor hizumi in the face. i was like OMG karyu is such a mofo and is just jealous because hizumi is cooler and gets all the . j/k i like karyu also but how dare he own hizumi in the face it was just wrong.

Anime:Lady of the week

Rushuna Tendo

Meet the winner of the sexy lady of the week post Rushuna Tendo. Besides the obvous fact that rushuna is drop dead gorgeous and screams sexy all over . she is one of the toughest and most kick ass chicks in anime. Rushunas weapon of choice : her smile.Yes, this sexy gun trotting chick kills you with her smile if you refuse a smile and lose your will to fight lets just say youll end up attempting some bullets that most likely will be lodged through your skull.



:Sadie Members:

Mao (真緒) – vocals
Tsurugi (剣) – guitar
Mizuki (美月) – guitar
Aki (亜季) – bass guitar
Kei (景) – drums

Sadie is a band that has been talked about quit a bit now. I would like to start by killing of the illusion that sadie is another band that is just another dir en grey copy because they are not.yes , i am not going to denie that sadie does take quit a bit of influence from dir en grey but i do respect that for the reason that diru is an amazing band^^.Sadie is a very good band and there really isnt any denying this fact that they are a good band wether you like it or not or well at least i think so. My first introduction to sadie did at first make me believe that it wasd complatet diru worship but as i kept listen i heard several differences and those diferneces are what make sadie a good band. my first song that introduced me to sadie was mad - roid and damn is that one hell of an amazing song, i was latter introduced to alot of there earlier ep's and singles that they had done and they continued to impress me.My all time favorite sadie song and is the song that makes me so addicted to this band is sayonara no hate which is one of my favorite songs of all time. mao sings whith such a passionate voice and it is always very strong and in this song in particular is just completely beautiful.I love sadie and if you like dir en grey or any other good Visual kei band check em out.

Cosplayers Please!!!!!!

This is the section that i shall deal with cosplay in. im looking all around the place to look for the best of the best of cosplayers and post them on the blog so that everyone can see how awsome and how hard they all worked to produce such amazing anim and manga inspired outfits.

Haruka cosplayer

kenshin cosplayer. Im sorry this was so adorable^^

Badass rossette cosplayer

Chrono Crusade Review

Chrono Crusade Review

What can I say ? chrono crusade has beutiful animation and it is very constant through out. First , ill start with the colors of the series and the basic look it gives to the animation. the colors are all very nice and warm and the animation never lets done for even a secound it is always on key and it never fails to look amazing.the general character design i will go though by characters. Rossette first up has an amazing and quit original nun outfit that yes , weve seen other anime nuns but when have they ever looked this good? never.I like how kazuya koroda does an amazing job on rossette still making her look like a nun but adds to the design by making the attire very sexy and kick ass.Chrono shall be next up. I love chrono character design more than any other character in the series. the outfit and design is clearly well detailed with straps buttons and even that braid it took long to create such a characetr but in the end turns out to be the most original design in the series.Satella damn kazuya did an amazing job with this sexy ass character and her amazingly revealing outfit Yumm^^ thats all i have to say.

The sound was very beautiful and light j-pop themes . ill start with that amazing and oh so catchy opening tsubasa wa pleasure line where if you want to listen can be found here Kuribayashi did an amazing job with the song tsubasa wa pleasure line might being that it is the best song and vocal work that she has done up to date.saeko is responsible for the slower yet still nice song sayonara solitaire . while not as good as that amazing opening theme song by minami it is still very good and worth a listen to.The dub and subbed voice actors are all very good and yet , to have a dubed cast with such good voice actors is such a variety that we have with dubbed voice actors .Greg and akira have both done amazing jobs as the english and japanese voice actors for chrono which in my opinbion stand out the most but tomoko and neya do amazing ass jobs voicing satella and rossette.

Beautiful , strong , Compelling , Sad and amazing story are the few words that i would describe the powerful and touching storyline that chrono crusade has to offer.I would put the story in two basic arcs and genres . the first arc is basically a strong introduction but is more light hearted and funny while the secound half of the story turns completely sad and touching through the end of this amazing series.the basic premise of chrono crusade can be found here I love this plot to death . i enjoyed every secound of this anime especially following rossette and her gang through such a strong and touching storyline that they ended up in. the plot is extremely sad and i do warn you that it will most likely make you cry . i know i did.

Amazing cast of intriquit and unique characters. this show is probably one of the few series that has actually produced such a well developed cast of characters who have grown so strong of a bound with each other. I lll first start of with chrono in the beging of the series is the demon partner of rossetttes who he has contracted at first , he seems very happy and fun but still is trying to protect rossette and informs here not to use the clock to much because it will due away with her life. chrono shared an extremely close bound with rossette and as each episode went on you could see it just grow stronger and stronger all the way to the very end.chrono is by far my favorite character and is the one that touched me the most out of the whole cast.The fiery gun trotting nun is next. I love rossette she is so fucken bad ass and is still very nice and caring at the same time.rossette is also a very well rounded charcetr and through all of the major conflicts in the series that she has to deal with such as with her brother and her life bei ng dipleted she is still and extremely strong and passionate heroine and i loved her for it. satella and fiore are the next on my list i lobvve there relationship yet it is very odd i still enjoyed every minute of it. i love satella beyounfd the fact that she is very sexy and i love her she is still a very strong character who over time grows and becomes more trusting and finds companions and even friends in chrono rossette and azmaria. azmaria was at first a very shakey character with me because i first thought she was just very useless . tjhough as i continued the series she just kept repetably proving me wrong.i love her and she is very strong characetr and well developed from that young shy girl that she started out with and now she is strong and can even be called 'kickass" depending on the person.the cast grows immensly from those stratoing episodes all the way to the epic and tragic ending .

I love chrono crusade to death. I t is by far and most likely will always be my favorite anime of all time it has the most amazing cast and plot that i have ever had the pleasure to see.i love the characters the most they all found a way to touch me and make me have such strong feelings for every character in this cast.all in all this is definetly an anime that i recommened you watch because it will not disapoint you.


Anime-Currently Watching

Zombie Loan


School Days

Tetsuko No Tabi

so those are the main series that i am currently watching . yes , i do have others but for now those are the ones im paying most attention to and just to keep every one updated i shall soon be starting shakugan no shana season two whenever it starts to be released and ill be updating on older series that i have not yet finished watching..

Dir En Grey- Withering To Death

1. Merciless Cult
2. C
3. Saku
4. Kodoku Ni Shisu, Yueni Kodoku
4. Itoshisa Ha Fuhai Nitsuki
5. Jesus Christ R'nR
6. Garbage
7. Machiavellism
8. Dead Tree
9. The Final
10. Beautiful Dirt
11. Spilled Milk
12. Higeki Ha Mabuta Wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu
13. Kodou


D'espairsRay - Mirror




4. SIXtyooNINe



7. Lost Scene8. Hollow

9. Closer to ideal

10. Angeldust

11. Squall

12. Kaleidoscope

13. DESERT (Bonus Track

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hello and Welcome.

Hello , my name is Juan Arzola but you may all call me by my nickname jwan^^. The things that I shall post in this blog all have to do with either visual kei , manga , anime , cosplay , otaku's,metal(music), fanfiction and anything under this area of sub culture or interest.I will post and update this blog as much as possible but I think that for sure I will be able to update the blog at least once a week mainly around the weekened.

Thanks and welcome to my blog once again.^^