:Sadie Members:
Mao (真緒) – vocals
Tsurugi (剣) – guitar
Mizuki (美月) – guitar
Aki (亜季) – bass guitar
Kei (景) – drums
Sadie is a band that has been talked about quit a bit now. I would like to start by killing of the illusion that sadie is another band that is just another dir en grey copy because they are not.yes , i am not going to denie that sadie does take quit a bit of influence from dir en grey but i do respect that for the reason that diru is an amazing band^^.Sadie is a very good band and there really isnt any denying this fact that they are a good band wether you like it or not or well at least i think so. My first introduction to sadie did at first make me believe that it wasd complatet diru worship but as i kept listen i heard several differences and those diferneces are what make sadie a good band. my first song that introduced me to sadie was mad - roid and damn is that one hell of an amazing song, i was latter introduced to alot of there earlier ep's and singles that they had done and they continued to impress me.My all time favorite sadie song and is the song that makes me so addicted to this band is sayonara no hate which is one of my favorite songs of all time. mao sings whith such a passionate voice and it is always very strong and in this song in particular is just completely beautiful.I love sadie and if you like dir en grey or any other good Visual kei band check em out.
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